Crypto Investment Bot

Trading bots enable cryptocurrency investors to automate the purchase and sale of positions based on important technical indicators. Bots execute certain trading techniques in order to get the best "win rate," or proportion of winning deals. There are several techniques that trade on a number of indicators, and if you already trade on indicators, WunderTrading bot will help you speed the process.

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Manage all crypto exchange accounts from one place

Trade all accounts simultaneously (applies to any single exchange per trade). See the full list of supported exchanges and features by exchange for more details.

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How to earn even more on cryptocurrency

Having quickly achieved popularity and becoming very marketable, digital coins continue to be an incredibly profitable investment tool. As we know, cryptocurrency rates change very quickly and often completely unpredictably, so technical tools such as crypto investment bot are very popular among traders.

Such bots allow you to increase your income from cryptocurrency, decrease risks and reduce losses. So if you want to bitcoin cryptocurrency investment, for example, which has particularly high volatility, you should pay attention to them.

How an investment bot works

In essence, it is a simple set of functions and codes that ensures the almost autonomous functioning of a cryptocurrency investment portfolio. After launching a bitcoin investment bot, the owner of a bitcoin does not need to perform complex manipulations:

  • Process withdrawal requests;

  • Monitor the rate of the cryptocurrency;

  • Study information streams in order to make decisions.

The cryptocurrency invest bot can do all this absolutely independently. In addition, the machine is not affected by human error.

Here is an example. The rise and fall in the value of cryptocurrency often follow news events. For example, on October 25, 2019, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the need to introduce blockchain into the country's economy as one of the key technologies. After that, Bitcoin rose by almost 40% within two days. A trader who is the first to receive information about important events in the crypto market is able to react to them promptly and, accordingly, has a better chance to profit from fluctuations in exchange rates. Bots help him in this by providing information on important events before many other resources.

Investment bot applications

Various applications and services working in the browser, on mobile devices, and in social networks help traders in investing.

  • Crypto alarm clocks and news aggregators. Various sites collect real-time cryptocurrency news from news portals, YouTube channels, Reddit threads, social media accounts of influential crypto-industry representatives, and other sources.

  • Twitter-bots. Twitter has several automated accounts that report large, abnormal, or suspicious cryptocurrency transactions.

  • Mobile apps. Apps created on iOS and Android have a 'crypto alarm clock' function, collect important news from the industry and allow you to control your investment portfolio.

The cryptocurrency invest bot can do all this absolutely independently. In addition, the machine is not affected by human error.

Here is an example. The rise and fall in the value of cryptocurrency often follow news events. For example, on October 25, 2019, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the need to introduce blockchain into the country's economy as one of the key technologies. After that, Bitcoin rose by almost 40% within two days. A trader who is the first to receive information about important events in the crypto market is able to react to them promptly and, accordingly, has a better chance to profit from fluctuations in exchange rates. Bots help him in this by providing information on important events before many other resources.

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