Bitget is a platform for exchanging cryptocurrencies. Users can trade different cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins on its online market. Bitget crypto exchange lets users purchase, sell, and trade these digital assets, just like other cryptocurrency exchanges. To meet the needs of cryptocurrency traders and investors, it might also provide other features and services including margin trading, futures contracts, and different trading tools.
In addition, Bitget has created cutting-edge social trading tools like Grid Trading and One-Click Copy Trading that have assisted the exchange in gaining over 8 million registered users and 1.1 million followers. Battle-tested Bitget technology ensures consistent and secure trading even in erratic market conditions. Let's delve deeper into the many facets of the exchange before reading our Bitget review, which will cover all of this and much more.
WunderTrading provides a number of services, such as portfolio management, social trading, and automated cryptocurrency trading. Our state-of-the-art technology and user-friendly interface enable these services. Thousands of traders use crypto trading bots on our site. But precisely what are these bots?
TradingView methods serve as the foundation for WunderTrading bots, which are effectively algorithms that carry out trades on behalf of traders. They adhere to a predetermined set of rules and run totally in the cloud. This guarantees that they never miss out on lucrative possibilities and that they are not swayed by emotions. One such algorithm that is linked to your Bitget account is a trading bot for Bitget.
WunderTrading distinguishes itself from competitors due to its extensive range of trading features and user-friendly design. On our platform, you can easily configure trading bots of varying complexity with just a few clicks. Unlike most other available solutions in the market, WunderTrading empowers you to create tradingview automated trading algorithms without requiring any programming skills. Using our cryptocurrency trading bot for Bitget, you can not only establish Take-profit and Stop-loss levels for your bot to monitor but also automate diverse trading strategies, including Spread and DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging).
Additionally, we offer the convenience of managing multiple subaccounts from a single location: you can connect several API profiles, and your trades will be duplicated to the associated subaccounts. But there's more to it. On WunderTrading, you can also become a signal provider and start attracting followers. You can choose to make your Bitget auto trading bot available in our Marketplace, where other users can discover it and track its trades. This feature enables you to generate income not only from trading but also by charging a subscription fee to users who follow your bot. Your followers also benefit from this service.
To begin setting up your initial automated trading bot on Bitget, you must establish a connection between your exchange account and WunderTrading using an API (Application Programming Interface). An API facilitates the secure and swift exchange of information between different services. This is how your bot transmits and executes alerts from TradingView on the Bitget platform.
To link your exchange account to WunderTrading through an API, you'll first need to generate an API key-secret pair on Bitget. You can do this by navigating to the API Management section. Once you've completed this step, you'll then need to input your API credentials into WunderTrading. This can be accomplished by accessing the My exchanges section and selecting the Add new option. With this connection established, you can proceed to create your bot by going to the Bots section and selecting Add new. You'll find comprehensive instructions in the newly opened tab to guide you through the process.
TradingView Alerts to Bitget
Multi-API Trading
Multi-Pair Trading
DCA Trading
JSON - Fully Dynamic
Multiple entries
Swing Trading
Order size in % or fixed amount ($)
Dynamic Custom Quantity
Multiple Take Profits
Stop Loss
Trailing Stop
Automated move to breakeven