Uniswap (UNI) Price Today

Everyone who decides to start trading UNI live, has to be aware of the latest uniswap token price / uniswap coin price. Also, some general information about this cryptocurrency will definitely come in useful.

What is Uniswap: UNI coin, crypto protocol, and more

To begin with, Uniswap, or UNI, refers to a bunch of different yet related notions. First, it’s one of multiple decentralized finance protocols used for cryptocurrency exchange. This particular one facilitates automated transactions on Ethereum blockchain among a variety of decentralized finance (DeFi) tokens by means of so-called smart contracts.

Second, it’s the governance system for this protocol. The governance token was introduced in September 2020.

Right now, Uniswap Price is $21.70, which is 2.93% up compared with yesterday’s numbers.

Third, it’s the name of the company who built this protocol; it came into existence in 2018. The startup prospered, and at the moment UNI ranks 17th in the list of cryptocurrencies by total capitalization.

As of today, uniswap market cap (short for ‘market capitalization’) equals 13,284 million US dollars.

However, the day before yesterday it ranked 11th, which means that this market is extremely volatile. Uniswap crypto price is ever-changing. Although it may scare out some beginners, the good news is that it is pretty possible to scrape up a fortune here.

WunderTrading Provides Efficient Tools and Up-to-the-second Info

If you are going to try investing in this or some other cryptocurrency, WunderTrading platform is the very place to make your first steps, and here’s why.

In a nutshell, WunderTrading will arm you with a set of tools that will enable you:

  • Start crypto copy trading, a.k.a. mirror trading; in other words, to follow actions of experts when they buy or sell. Signalers send out trading signals; your bot can automatically make transactions based on them, if you are subscribed.

  • Create any number of crypto trading bots in a few mouse clicks each.

  • Get engaged in fully automatic trading by means of the leading-edge trading script named TradingView.

And that’s not to mention plenty of useful information, including live uniswap charts. Such data will allow you to feel the pulse of this niche (which sometimes may be pretty feverish), make well-informed decisions – and succeed.
Happy journey with WunderTrading!

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